Thursday, February 09, 2006

Heeding that certain call, Mt. Laura erupts to a chorus of hysterical laughter.

“I pity the fool.”
-- Lawrence “Mr. T” Tureaud

In case you blinked and missed it, Wednesday night was Shammy Awards Night at the Luddite Bar & Grill, as all 13 of the bar’s tiny patrons crowded into the battered unisex toilet for an evening of self-congratulatory Crayon Karaoke.

After opening the show with a gritty version of her signature “Trog Sham(an)’s Blues,” EastdisTended mounted the podium by the poker machine (where the paper towel rack used to be) and awarded “Thread of the Year” to herself for the “gangstas four rap” concept album “Death Knell for Knobbany.”

Later, the androgynous Legal Bagel – accompanied by a chorus line of dancing manhole covers -- urged community unity, prayer and ritual cleansing as means toward the cherished SOLNA aim of replacing the city of New Albany as currently chartered with an open-air UNESCO World Heritage Sewer Site.

At ceremony’s end, all 12 who were left standing -- excluding Potted Police, who had fallen asleep and dreamed of voting the straight ticket -- linked hands around a spittoon filled with Kool-Aid and sang “We Are the Trogs”:

We are the Trogs, we are the Potties
We are the ones who can't or won't think none
So let’s keep rotting

There’s a choice we're making
We'll drag you down as well
It’s true we don’t have a plan

So go to Hell

For further details, see Enough Is Enough, where finally, almost a year after first extending the offer of team member status at SOLNA before breaking the promise, EastdistEnded lifts my writings to the marquee in a rare display of literacy amid the intellectual squalor that is, and shall remain, the Spitwad Blogyard.


FLASH - This just in from our college ‘fessor friend Derek:

Hey, it sounds like you have a nasty stain that just won’t go away. Well, shout it out! And always remember. And never forget. Our Constitutionally mandated FREEDOM TO BLEACH.


  1. Comments on SOLNA now have to be approved by East Ender prior to appearing on the blog.

  2. I have responded back to EE about her calling me the pot.....

    We will see if she approves of my response. No reason for her not to. Anyone who has read much of my posting knows that I am not anti anon and what my real problem with Erik is. If she has a fair bone in her body she will post my response and reconsider hers to me.

  3. East Ender & SOLNA,

    One way to "win" a disagreement is to walk away. I find it amusing and distressing that EE chose to respond to my last post on SOLNA and then go to comment moderation. I responded in a strong but not disrespectful post that EE has chosen not to post.

    I challenge EE or anyone to find postings of mine that have that have picked on anonymous posts. I can go back and find, if need be, posts where I have flat stated that I did not agree with those who are against anonymous postings. My problem with Erik is not who he/she is, I don't care and probably would not know them anyway. It is the obvious misrepresentation of being a College Professor of Political Science. If you are going to register, use an online personality(such as me)and choose to list information, that information should be truthful.

    In the spirit of fairness, a few days ago I even posted that Erik had done a nice job with some tax terminolgy definitions.

    EE correctly states that FOS does not engage in comments. BUT OneVoice has commented on SOLNA. Click on the email on FOS and see what it says.

    There are posters on SOLNA that I have had several civil discussions with--$$$$$$$, Shirley, FedupDemocrat, PottyPolice and some anon posters. I believe, for the most part, that I have been polite. I have not called people names(except Erik). I would hope that some of these posters would come to my defense, again in the interest of fairness.

    I am asking EE to publish my response from last night. It will show basically what I have written above. Don't like my views--OK. Don't want me to post again--OK. Just don't bend the FACTS and walk away. I am not the pot.......

  4. You're assuming she intends to be fair. Given the historical record, this is unlikely.

    Here's the good thing about her comment moderation: Now, when an anonymous character assassination appears, it will be because she explicitly approved it for publication. Currently she implicitly okays it by not deleting it.

    Which will make her inability to explain even more prnounced than before.

  5. I don't really expect EE to be fair about it. She has already shown that by not posting my response. It was not vulgar, no name calling, etc. I actually started it with "Are you nuts?" then went back and changed nuts to serious.
    Perhaps a few of the more level headed, of which there are some, will begin to question her.

  6. I share your hope, bbut as we've seen all too often, her blogyard is about a vendetta, not an attempt to share information -- or whatever spin she's putting on it today.

  7. It appears that instead of doing the right thing, it is easier just to get rid of the evidence. Seems that whole posting is now gone. Interesting.
