Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Priceless troglodyte anon-graffiti of the day, chapter 876.

Here's the latest anonymous spitwad blogyard classic from what Laura Oates insists (presumably with a straight face) is "a Community Network for public interests and citizens rights."

A hateful person, in MY eyes. said...

"The people you, Mr. (Randy) Smith, are trying to harangue have your number, and it's about up."

2:04 PM, January 10, 2006

Hmm, but from which of her “citizens rights" do masked threats emanate?

But you have to admire the chutzpah of including hooded character assassination as a component of a “Community Network.”

Is it delusion or derangement?

Only the Trog Sham(an) knows.

1 comment:

  1. I spent most of the night patrolling the precincts looking for raw sewage and toilet paper shooting high into the air last evening. Couldn't find it, but did think I saw someone lurking near an sewer access cover. Could it have been the potty police? Or maybe just a former policeman?

    In any event, I only just learned of the latest drive-by blogfart from the local Klan. Ought to be interesting when the depositions begin. You never know who might turn you in when you become part of a conspiracy.

    I thought Indiana had renounced the Ku Klux Klan, but it looks as if their new chapter in New Albany is on a recruitment drive.
