Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Obstructionist methodology primer, section 45.6, part 2: Help create problem, blame on others.


  1. I can imagine, at some future date, having Dan Coffey point to the minutes of the Jan. 9 meeting claiming he's the only member who expressed concern about the delay in issuing bonds for Scribner Place.

    The accuracy of projected future interest rates on the date of issue is always weakened by time. It might be what the bond advisors projected. It might not. What is certain is that Dan Coffey, more than almost anyone in this city, bears more personal responsibility for costing this city additional interest (and potentially additional principal) by his effective delaying tactics during the Spring, Summer, and Fall.

    As the Fed funds rate and the prime rate climb, pressure builds on tax-free municipal bonds, which must offer rates that compare to other safe investments.

    Does Coffey think no one will remember that he and the Gang are the ones who pushed the window further into the future?

    If I recall, bond issuance is due in the March-April window. Design documents are 85% complete, at more than 160 pages, and the final design documents will be available for public viewing in city offices upon completion.

    I would suggest that a copy also be made available at the public library, and online, as well.

  2. Lots of us also remember that it was made clear to anyone who attended past meetings that bond issuance would take several months. For Coffey to act as if that's some sort of surprise indicating a shortcoming on the part of anyone involved is dishonest. There is no delay in the bonding process. What was reported as an approximate timeline is exactly what's happened thus far. Coffey simply has no respect for truthfulness.

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