Thursday, December 15, 2005

Volunteer Hoosier reminds readers that "Rumpkegate Matters."

And we agree.

Rumpkegate Matters.

The shame of it is that the blogger who exposed Rupkegate still hasn't grasped the gravity of her revelation, and can't seem to understand that her constant and probably well-intentioned calls for integrity and honesty must apply to all elected officials, not merely the one whose administration is her daily target for intemperate abuse.

Hypocrisy's a big word with many syllables ... and it matters, too.


  1. I felt kind of bad that I had not posted here. Want to make sure the numbers stay up!! Did not want to be accused of just posting on SOLNA.

  2. Lies and statistics, huh?

  3. Now, now. Let's keep it civil, before my family comes to beat up your family!! In my opinion.
