Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Trash removal takes on a whole new meaning when applied to the sources of Luddite dysfunction.

NA Confidential understands perfectly well that for some loyal readers, there is a degree of puzzlement, and perhaps even exasperation, as to why we've chosen to devote much of the week's postings to the semi-literate and ill-tempered blathering of New Albany's politically motivated obstructionists.

All things considered, it remains our preference to chart, consider and document the gratifyingly steady progress taking place in New Albany, as the long slumbering city deliberately but tangibly inches toward an overdue reawakening and an improved future, thanks in large measure to the Herculean efforts of a diverse array of people who share an earnest commitment to excellence in life.

Given this preference, it is with confidence and equanimity that we urge any and all rational, thinking people to survey at their leisure the year's contents of NA Confidential -- our missteps alongside our successes -- and to compare the range of topical inquiry and depth of substance here with that offered to the public at other, seedier locales on the information superhighway that purport to "speak out loud," but in fact manage little else than the empowerment of spite, envy and retribution.

As such, when it comes to the admittedly odious task of drawing back the obscurantist curtains of churlish anonymity and exposing the desolation that resides within, we at NA Confidential persist in doing so out of nothing more than an admittedly stubborn sense of personal obligation that expressions of hatred, falsehood and malevolence must neither go unanswered nor unchallenged in a civilized society, whatever the risks involved in the process.

With New Albany approaching an historical crossroads, and as a window of opportunity is nudged temporarily open for those with the requisite qualities of vision and foresight to burst through to the other side, it is absolutely imperative for the current generation of city residents, as well as the critical eye of posterity, to be perfectly clear about the nature of New Albany's enduring, seemingly reform-resistant dysfunction, and to know exactly from whence this crippling malady derives.

It derives from anti-intellectualism.

It is plain to see that this group of newcomers to New Albany want to run over the New Albany citizens like a steam roller with their type of speech and language.*

It derives from xenophobia.

How long have you been a resident of New Albany?*

It derives from racism, homophobia and intolerance.

Go to the History books on New Albany and try to realize that those ancestors were caring people, not of the caliber that we see here today ... To the person who wanted to know about the Director of City Operations' sealed records, you may have to re-visit the ex-County Prosecutor -- ask him, or maybe Krogers.*

It derives from a resigned acceptance of social stratification.

The biggest determination of where a person winds up in life, is the situation of the life one was born into.*

It derives from the calculating ward-heeler's Pavlovian politics of malice and reward, and from the angry populist's elemental thirst for revenge (see Cappuccino, Councilman), but worst of all, it derives from the sullen sum total of all these conditions mixed together into a nasty sludge far more virulent than crystal meth, pointing inexorably toward a demoralizing, non-quality of subsistence living that virtually guarantees that our best and brightest will flee into the friendlier and more hopeful embrace of the New Albanian diaspora throughout greater North America.

To be sure, during times of relative thaw, NA Confidential has been told -- and, in fact, desperately wants to believe -- that "we're all in this together."

Alas, this is true only in the strictest sense of physical proximity.

In terms of civic consciousness ... in terms of vision ... in terms of respect for the rules ... the chasm remains sadly deep.

Unapologetically, we intend to continue presenting the case for progress in New Albany -- to us, "progress" is defined as "intelligent design" -- and to do so by positively depicting the visionary components of a better future for all New Albanians, while refusing to shrink from the duty of shining bright, disinfectant sunlight onto the destructive, self-defeating dogmas of defeatist regression that represent huge strides backward for this city.

Thank you for reading, and please consider registering and joining the conversation.

Further reading at NA Confidential:

Overt anti-intellectualism? Well, that would explain CM Price's votes against the interests of his own district.

Tiny is as tiny does, or a level of the Inferno that Dante overlooked.

On the nature of lawlessness, the motivations of looters, and the pernicious influence of hatred in our community.

Is New Albany's anti-intellectualism spiced with homophobia?


* - italicized portions are from the comments section of the SOLNA blog, as if that weren't painfully obvious.

1 comment:

  1. Tim, your comments are appreciated, although I fear that you're dignifying Laura's character assassination by explaining your life choices.

    Among my most cherished customers are two forty-something males who indeed are living at home -- and caring for their elderly parents. Seems that would be something to be honored for doing, but of course, Laura may never have considered such a scenario.
