Saturday, December 10, 2005

One eyesore down.

Prior to the most recent Kroger-sponsored non-blizzard, we noticed that demolition finally was under way at the tanning salon on Charlestown Road that burned on Labor Day weekend.

We're told that such delays are not unusual, given insurance company procedure, and yet ... if a hazardous hulk remains (partially) standing while an insurance company's Byzantine process unfolds, and a child from the school down the street wanders onto the property and is injured, can the insurance company sue itself for damages?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Roger, but me hanging around seems to have had a negative afect on you. You did not mean to suggest that an insurance companies insatible need for revenue from premiums in any way inplied their responsiblity for the welfare of the general public did you?

    Remember, greed rules!
