Sunday, December 18, 2005

Okay, so it took a while for the Tribune to see it ...

In Saturday’s Tribune, the newspaper’s anonymous composer of headlines offers a classically understated take on the obvious:

Garner, council members differ on progress; Communication seems to be a problem area, by Chris Morris (News-Tribune).

Morris quotes CM Mark Seabrook:

“I have been on three councils, and I have never seen such hostility toward the mayor, and council members against other council members,” he said. “I’ve never seen it like this before. There is a tremendous communication gap between everybody.”

And, CM Seabrook again:

“We spend too much time talking about the past instead of dealing with the future and reality.”

Why, yes.

Surveying the ranks of New Albany’s public officials at all levels, CM Seabrook’s comment is telling.

The questions we all need to be asking are, “where are the reality-based ideas for dealing with the future?” and “how do we begin bringing them to fruition?”

NA Confidential submits that the answers are being provided on the ground, in the community, and bubbling up from the grassroots – sometimes above, and often below, the ineffectual radar of traditional media and our cadre of backward thinking public officials as exemplified by the council’s Gang of Four.

We expect the contrasts between achievement and obstructionism to be even more vivid come 2007 and the next election cycle ... and we can’t wait to be proven right.


In the Sunday edition of the Tribune, there is letter to the editor from Board of Public Works and Safety member Steve LaDuke, in which Steve meticulously dispels the Internet-engendered and politically motivated mistruths and rumors surrounding last week's sanitation bids. If a link to the letter comes available, it will be provided in this space.

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