Monday, December 19, 2005

Coming later today: Why 1st District Councilman Dan Coffey should not be selected as the city council’s 2006 president (Part 1 of 4).

Yesterday, in Luddites seek to restrict franchise to anonymous blog posters in prelude to wee junta, NA Confidential wrote:

NA Confidential believes that CM (Donnie) Blevins is as good a choice as any sitting council member for the presidency, and that he is a better choice than CM (Dan) Coffey, who while not the worst imaginable prospect (see “3rd council district, shame of”), is philosophically and temperamentally unsuited to preserve order, to preserve decorum, and to act as the city council’s face to the public for the coming year, a year in which the city of New Albany will begin substantive building upon its hard-earned progress of the months past.

Beginning later tonight with the first installment, NA Confidential will devote Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to the presentation of a four-part series dedicated to the proposition that 1st District Councilman Dan Coffey absolutely should not under any circumstances be selected as the New Albany City Council’s president for the year 2006.

NA Confidential believes that CM Coffey, while indisputably eligible for the post of city council president by virtue of a measurable pulse, is fundamentally unsuited for this position of visibility and responsibility, owing to what Thomas Jefferson once referred to as a “long train of abuses and usurpations,” ones that we have assiduously documented throughout 2005.

We propose to emulate Jefferson’s method of presentation by listing these examples of unsuitability, organized quarterly and in chronological order, as we have reported them here.

The viewpoints expressed in this series are entirely ours, and all quoted passages in the series were written by The New Albanian, unless otherwise attributed.

Unfortunately, many hyperlinks to local media sources have become broken during the months since the original publication dates, and while this is infuriating from an archivist's perspective -- the Courier-Journal's inconsistent articles-for-pay policy and the Tribune's web site revamp are to blame -- it simply can’t be helped.

As always, and subject to NA Confidential's procedures, reader comments are welcomed.


  1. Ceece, it's a nice fluff piece.

    Consider this:

    Freedom of Speech derives from a fictitious source (a non-existent college professor named "Erik") who has not answered my inquiry as to his origins.

    Freedom of Speech touts freedom of speech -- and doesn't allow comments.

    That's two strikes - feel free to pick and choose a third.

  2. "I saw no mention of ways to improve commerce and life in the city or its representation to non New-Albanians."

    Give him credit for being honest, in the sense that he has no answers to these questions, and didn't claim any.

  3. A final thought on Freedom of Speech.

    A few weeks back, the rumor was that "congeal taxpayer" would be doing a blog, but didn't know enough Internet to manage.

    Freedom of Speech couldn't possibly be the work of "conceal taxpayer" alone, as the grammar's actually proper, so we'll hazard a guess that it's Vicki Denhart's (a.k.a. surreal taxpayer) friend, Shirley Baird, who's doing the actual writing.

    The Freedom of Speech questions to Uncouncilman Price are curiously reminiscent of the softballs that Shirley has lobbed in the direction of the Gang of Four during the public speaking portion of council meetings.

    What ho, guys? Am I right?

  4. Ceece, thanks for drawing my attention to it. I knew it was there, but as it's being done by juvenile pseudonym, it's not really important to the adult segment of the debate.
