Tuesday, December 06, 2005

California's, we hardly knew ye; next up at 1515 E. Market: La Rosita Grill.

Boy, you sure could see this coming.

Information is scant, but it's certain that the California's experiment has ended at 1515 E. Market Street. Here's the encouraging banner across the storefront:

Seldom in our experience have we encountered a business quite like the now defunct California's, which began life as a coffee house last spring before frenetically mutating into so many different concepts in consecutive, short-lived order that even those of us desperately wanting to like it could find nothing to hold on to from visit to visit.

We're told that the new operators are the same people who are running La Rosita, the much acclaimed taqueria (and adjoining Mexican grocery) on Charlestown Road, and will be expanding their culinary offerings at the Market Street location.

The weekend tripe special within walking distance? We're for it.


  1. As someone who's walked to 1515 at all times of day and night more times than I care to remember only to find the door locked, I'll be very happy to see hours posted and consistently observed at the very least.

    A couple steak tacos would probably do me some good, too. Those folks at La Rosita can cook.

  2. enjoyed lunch at the taqueria today and am always pleased with the service. I pause to imagine what could happen in a restaurant setting.
