Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Police Chief Harl to Roudenbush: “You should get your facts straight.”

New Albany Police Chief Merle Harl’s Tuesday letter to the editor of the Tribune forcefully rebutted comments made in the October edition of The Forum of New Albany and Floyd County, a print-only newsletter written and published by longtime local commentator and mail carrier, Jeff Roudenbush.

Unfortunately, NA Confidential does not have access to Roudenbush’s publication at this time, as it is not archived on line. As we continue to urge Roudenbush to join us in the present, digital century, let it be understood that we will gladly update this article to include his original comments if he or other readers will kindly provide them to us.

Incidentally, it bears noting when NA Confidential was in its infancy, we were gifted with a complimentary copy of The Forum, and rashly assumed it was being provided to us as a professional courtesy.

We’ve not received another; so much for our hasty assumption, but then again, we’ve opted out of the obstructionist lynch mob in the months since. At any rate, at the time we wrote this:

Latest issue of Jeff Roudenbush's "The Forum" mailed to NA Confidential.

Following Chief Harl’s letter is a comment made by an anonymous poster at Speak Out Loud NA, which aptly summarizes both that spitwad blogyard’s and The Forum’s Luddite party lines.


Letters to the Editor
Hiring of Code Enforcement Officer was legal
By New Albany Police Chief Merle Harl

Dear editor:

“The Forum of New Albany and Floyd County,” a response to Jeff Roudenbush.

In the October edition of this forum, Jeff Roudenbush referred to the appointment of Pam Badger as Code Enforcement Officer as illegal. Mr. Roudenbush, you have implied with the term “illegal” that a criminal act has been committed. That is not the case in any interpretation of the facts.

What is “illegal” about assigning an officer the duties of Code Enforcement?

Pam Bader was already working for the New Albany Police Department as a traffic officer and issuing city ordinance citations.

You stated that I hijacked the process and acted illegally. Before making accusations and statements like this, you should get your facts straight. I have the authority to assign an officer the duties of enforcing city ordinances, regardless of their position as police officer of traffic officer.

I advised the Mayor of my intentions and he agreed that Pam Badger would do an excellent job in that position. We all knew that Pam Badger would have to be approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety, and then be approved by the City Council before she would be officially appointed to the position.

You stated that this did not occur until the City Council members demanded it happen. That is not true because the process had already been started.

Yes, Officer Badger did begin the duties of Code Enforcement Officer before she was officially approved by the Council, but she could legally do that.

Mr. Roudenbush, what is wrong with cleaning up our neighborhoods of the garbage and trash? Should I have not acted on an opportunity to begin the code enforcement our community so desperately needed?

You also stated in your forum “Once again the Garner Administration is trying to do the right thing the wrong way, and it is getting to be an old story.”

The only old story is misinformed people telling half stories – the halves they pick and choose.


And now, in response, give it up for Concern Taxpayer, who provides comic relief and counterpoint (of sorts) in this unedited meltdown:


I resent Chief Harl attacking "The Forum" in the Tribune. No council member I have talk to was or is against Pam Badger as Code Enforcer.

The Council members were against the way James Garner handled it.

Like many of us Citizens and taxpayers feel the way you Jimmy handled this shabby way of doing business and showing the Council you are the "Boss" and will do what ever the Hell you want!

But again after the last 2 Years it has been Mr. Mayor's pattern to not follow certain laws or procedures.

And excuse me Chief Harl you are dead wrong in your comments. And you know it!

Because if you were right in your so "CALLED COMMENTS" in The Tribune. Then My Question is how come it took 2 Years to have a Code Enforcer?

And Sir You all did not follow the law the way it was written nor did you follow procedure!

Sir, if it was in yours and Jimmy's Power, Including The Board of Works to appoint and fill this position. Then why are you all not doing the job we as taxpayers are paying you to do?

And also in your defense I do realize the Mayor is your boss.

And I would highly recommend TO You Sir to fill out a Request for Public Records and re-read the Ordinance.

But Mr. Mayor needs to realize the taxpayers of New Albany is the Mayors Boss.

We sign all of your paychecks.

Mr. Mayor continues to have this Overton pass attitude. The hell with what is right or having to following Procedures or laws that are passed by the City Council.

And I say to you Mr. Mayor this will be your down fall. And a large part of the reason you will not be re-elected.

I personally sat in a meeting you were at and your comments I over heard you say to one of your so called qualified Employees.

Mr. Mayor's comments: "Was the hell with what the City Council wants... I will do what ever I want and I "DO NOT" need there approval!

Because I am the Mayor!

Well my comments to you Mr. Mayor:You ought to be damn glad your not running for re-election next year.

And this is my opinion

Concern Taxpayer, 9:32 AM, November 16, 2005


If you’re keeping score, here’s the line:

Jeff Roudenbush – known citizen and print publisher.
Merle Harl – known police chief.
Pam Badger – known Ordinance Enforcement Officer.
Roger A. Baylor – known business owner and blogger.
James Garner – known citizen and mayor.

Concern Taxpayer – unknown lout.

Priceless -- absolutely priceless.

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