Friday, November 18, 2005

Almost three months later, insurance company okays demolition of burned-out salon.

Thanks to Steve LaDuke of the Board of Public Works and Safety for providing this update on a previous NA Confidential news item.

Props also to local attorney Richard Rush, whose comments about insurance settlement delays were posted after most readers had moved on to fresher threads.


I just wanted to follow up with you concerning the burned out tanning salon on Charlestown Rd.

It was reported at the Board of Public Works meeting (November 15) that the owners have been given approval by the insurance company to demolish the building. The owners have contacted the Building Commissioner's office about obtaining a demolition permit. It looks like that is finally moving forward.


The view from La Rosita is about to get better ... although Sonic is no picnic, either.


  1. Good point, Brandon.

    I found the proximity of the school to be the most annoying thing about the delay, dimly recalling that yellow taoe didn't dissuade me from explorations when I was a kid ...

  2. Well, I'll try the tongue!

    We used to pickle tongue when I was a bartender in Lanesville.
