Sunday, October 09, 2005

Proof that good beer at Harvest Homecoming does exist.


  1. Great pic, wish it would have been moi on the recieving end of that 12oz. plastic ware of Elector or Community Dark, whichever that may have been. Sounds like things are taking shape for a winter time meeting place for us nearer our homes for libations. Cheers mate!

  2. Yes, Ed, the omens are looking favorable.

  3. Sorry we missed oyu, the disparate elements were excessive i.e. the cover band blasting Weezer amidst hordes of howling college-aged kids leaked out into the courtyard where locals ignored their own (much younger than those indoors) children who ran about terrorizing the servers, splashed in the fountain and made delightful use of popping the festive balloons. Complimenting this looting of the dining experience was a Neil Young album played at night club volume. That said, the beer was quite right -- even in plastic recepticles. Sorry again, mate. ciao - jon
