Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Floyd Commissioners board the Scribner Place bandwagon, with County Council expected to follow; investigation demanded.

The Courier-Journal records another small step toward a brand new day:

Floyd panel backs Scribner Place; Commissioners OK 16 years of funding, by Ben Zion Hershberg, (short shelf life on C-J links).

The Floyd County Board of Commissioners voted yesterday to commit $137,000 a year for 16 years to help finance the Scribner Place development in downtown New Albany. The vote does not, however, guarantee the
funding with county property taxes …

Specifically, Commissioners Reisert and Bush voted in favor, and my old roundball teammate Chuck Freiberger abstained, although he insists he's for Scribner Place.

No matter. Mayor James Garner is quoted as saying he is “pleased” with the decision, while noting ominously that he will “have to discuss the county funding with the City Council,” virtually guaranteeing another encore performance of the Obstruction Chorus by the members of the New Albany Men’s Luddite Glee Club, a..k.a. councilmen Dan Coffey and Steve Price.

"We can't do nuthin', we don't know nuthin', and everyone should be like us," crooned the solo tandem before a packed house of six sewer-obsessed trogs who chanted "no progress at any price" on cue and showered the stage with nickels and dimes after the final encore.

Coffey's and Price's Welcome to the Open Air Museum Tour is expected to last through 2007.

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