Sunday, August 21, 2005

A new blog debuts: (What) Future of Floyd County, Indiana?

On Wednesday, I was idly checking the references on my site meter when up popped a link for Greenville Concerned Citizens.

In GCC's news section, this appeared:

We have also updated the LINKS page with more resources of local interest, for example, links to a variety of New Albany blogs (can someone start a blog for rural Floyd County?)

Yesterday I became aware of just such a "county" blog:

(What) Future of Floyd County, Indiana?

Blooger "Knobus Residentiis" (identity undisclosed) describes the blog thusly:

This blog was created to allow residents to engage in a rational and educated discussion of our county's future. This includes all of Floyd County: New Albany, the townships of Franklin, Georgetown, Greenville and Lafayette, and the unincorporated areas. Direct personal attacks or slurs, including those against any group, or unsubstantiated allegations, will not be permitted.

KR's first posting asks the question, "Why do we not look at consolidating all Floyd County governments into one entity?"

And a good question it is.

Take it away, Knobus.

1 comment:

  1. Tom aren't you married to a doctor with plenty of cash? wink

    Question, then what happens to city council members seats and their say for the city if it is run by the county commishes?

    Just curious
