Sunday, August 28, 2005

The editor strikes back.

In today’s edition of the Tribune, Managing Editor Chris Morris devotes the editorial slot to a ruminative exploration of the comparative ethical merits of atheism and Christianity.


Actually, Chris's editorial urges New Albany and Providence high schools to resume their annual football match.

Amusingly, he prefaces the piece thusly:

This column, which deals with football, is for all of my blog buddies who say all I do is write about sports.

Good one, Chris.

Speaking of the always reliable advice to write about what you know, I'm ready to begin my beer column whenever there's space. C'mon, Chris, we go way back -- and you have a book section now, and what goes better with books than beer?

Just a thought. Now, back to the preview of this afternoon's crucial A's - Orioles game.

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