Monday, August 29, 2005

The Curmudgeon visits the Lions Club for beer talk.

At the behest of Maury Goldberg, I was privileged tonight to speak to the weekly gathering of the Lions Club at Tommy Lancaster's restaurant on Market Street.

Although blogging was briefly touched upon, the bulk of the discussion was devoted to beer and brewing, and the club members were attentive and brimming with excellent questions.

The fried chicken wasn't shabby, either. Not only does the Lions Club feed guest speakers, but they also award them a nice framed certificate.

Thanks to Maury for the invitation! I had a marvelous time.


  1. I agree, they are a fine group.

    Three of them made a point to ask me if I'm "Roger's boy," and of course I am; when my dad was a milk man, he worked with one and delivered dairy products to another's store.

    But it was with some degree of melancholy that one notes the absence of younger people in attendance. I find no joy in this fact, just report it.

  2. Let me get this straight.

    You gave a speech about beer and brewing, and you haven't posted the contents of said speech on EITHER of your 'blogs?

    For shame.

  3. Read the PC blog tomorrow morning, when I hope I've time to complete the press release about "new fermenters finally on the way to NABC."

    It wasn't a speech, anyway. I merely talked off the cuff.

    I'm a wretched public speaker when forced to leave the back bar.
