Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Commissioners to host Scribner Place extravaganza this afternoon as Luddite ox carts converge on Hauss Square.

On Tuesday afternoon at 5:00 p.m., the Floyd County Commissioners are hosting the long-overdue Scribner Place fact gathering carnival and medicine show.

City, county talk Scribner Place, by Amany Ali, Tribune City Editor.

For the very first time, and perhaps the last, the County Commissioners, County Council, City Council and Mayor James Garner all will come together under one big rhetorical tent in the friendly confines of the second-floor commissioners' room to discuss the project and to provide the city council's obstructionist Gang of Four with its largest peer audience of the year.

Accordingly, by astutely bribing 1st District Councilman Dan Coffey's chief advisor, Lucky Elmo, with a bottle of MD 20/20, NA Confidential has obtained a carbon copy of CM Coffey's internal memorandum for this afternoon's meeting.

It has been edited for legibility.

1. Resend Scribner Place ordinance (not air mail - too expensive).
2. If they won't resend it, move to put it on the table for all to see.
3. With handy Dick Tracy gear, burn it ... FIRE! FIRE!!!

The meeting today is open to the public, but there will be no public speaking time.

1 comment:

  1. "Confines" is right. The summit will occur in the close confines of the commissioners' meeting room, a courtroom that will barely hold the elected officials, much less any interested members of the public and necessary administrative staff and sundry experts.

    So my question is: Is this an away game, or a home game?
