Monday, June 27, 2005

The Tribune wants to know what you think about Scribner Place.

In Friday’s Tribune, Managing Editor Chris Morris asks the newspaper’s readers to let him know what they think about the Scribner Place project.

He promises to anthologize responses on the editorial page, and closes with a commendably sly fait accompli: “Scribner Place is a huge part of our downtown’s future, and we want to know what you think.”

As a regular reader of NA Confidential, you really should drop Chris a line and provide him with your viewpoint on the issues surrounding the Scribner Place project.

You should do so even if your stance differs from mine.

Whether you agree or disagree, I’m confident that NAC’s regular readership will approach this hotly debated topic with confidence, literacy, style and a good command of the material.

Most of you embrace a progressive, future-oriented perspective, and the very existence of such a readership in a city so often denigrated as backward even by its own obstructionist citizenry helps to illustrate the point that there is hope for New Albany if only we learn to live and work more intelligently.

Emphatically, the word “intelligently” in this sense is not meant to imply heightened IQ, excessive book learning, incessant pointy-headedness or any other of the populist’s bugaboos.

Rather, the word refers to what we trust will be a new beginning in the life and times of New Albany, one that looks forward, not behind.

The Scribner Place project itself symbolizes a willingness, albeit sometimes tentative and uncertain, to harness the resources of New Albany as intelligently as possible so as to provide a destination that will spur investment in the city’s moribund downtown district, and accordingly, to provide benefits to all the city’s residents, not just the few.

That’s why we support Scribner Place.

Either way, please write Chris and let him know what you think. His e-mail address is

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