Wednesday, June 15, 2005

First Schmitt warehouse disappears from Scribner Place project zone

This morning my bicycle route took me down Main Street, past the future Scribner Place site, and up Corydon Pike to Georgetown.

At 9:00 a.m., the larger of two condemned former Schmitt Furniture warehouses was intact, with a piece of heavy machinery idling in front of it.

By 1:00 p.m., after errands and lunch with my mom, I was riding past the same spot and in four short hours the building seemingly had imploded, the debris piled in heaps waiting to be carted off.

As noted here previously, the smaller of the two Schmitt warehouses, located where State Street meets the floodwall, is the former Pennsylvania Railroad Freight Depot.

We may have an update soon as to its fate.


  1. Went by there today and was amazed at how quickly things are progressing. If you haven't had chance to look in the old railroad building before it comes down it might be worth a look see.

  2. It indeed has none, at least today.
