Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Louisville's Abramson on downtown growth: "We primed the pump"

Lost in the crossfire Tuesday was a thought-provoking piece in the Courier-Journal:

Downtown (Louisville) digs are in demand; Report gauges housing interest, by Sheldon S. Shafer, Louisville Courier-Journal (limited shelf life on C-J links).

Here’s an excerpt from Shafer’s article:

Metro Mayor Jerry Abramson noted that the city over the past 10 years has spent tens of millions of dollars on downtown physical improvements -- parks, streetscapes, transportation, roads -- and to assist development.

Significant private investment has followed, he said, adding that "we primed the pump."

"We have tried to create an atmosphere where people want to live," he said. “We are seeing distinct downtown neighborhoods develop … "

… Abramson said the city's role now is to "focus on the amenities" to support the housing -- encouraging developers to pursue projects such as gas stations, parking and retailing, including groceries, drugstores and barbershops.

1 comment:

  1. Wish in some way that we could be under Mayor Abramson's "Metro Louisville" government vision for the better of this area. HE IS A PRO!
