Thursday, March 17, 2005

This just in: City Hall confirms its commitment to code enforcement

It’s Thursday and a City Council meeting night (7:30 p.m.), and NA Confidential has received a note from Greg Roberts, president of the East Spring Street Neighborhood Association, who informs us that previous intelligence has been modified:

"I just talked to Mr. Tony Toran (City Operations) and he assures me that he, the mayor and the city attorney are committed to hiring the Code Enforcement Officer. They are simply waiting for the state to finalize this year's budget. Mr. Toran reassured me that the information that we received was INCORRECT. In light of this new information, we do not need anyone to speak at the council meeting tonight, but let me reassure each member of the ESNA that I will continue to watch this issue and keep you up to date on such progress."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Greg for following up on the previous information. My stress level just dropped at least 10 points.
    Does anybody know, however, how or why he was able to go ahead with the Economic Development kid? That was new in the budget too wasn't it?
