Friday, February 04, 2005

Last night in Portland: Support your right to arm bears

On Thursday evening we had the pleasure of meeting good friend and transplanted Hoosier Mark F. at a renowned Portland institution, the Great Lost Bear.

The pub boasts 54 taps, pouring beer from as many as two dozen Maine craft breweries and others in Vermont, New Hampshire and abroad. Three hand pumps are in use at any given time. The restaurant menu is huge, ranging from pub grub standbys like wings and nachos to eclectic fare like Meatloaf Wellington. The ambience is casual, and it has provided at least one good idea on how to hide a drop ceiling without really trying.

Overnight a light snow of 2 - 3 inches fell, freshly covering the sooty snow piles and dusting the trees. It makes the coffee taste better.

Great Lost Bear

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