Friday, February 11, 2005

Double Seven to be razed, and Redman's Club to move

Last night, the New Albany Historic Preservation Commission approved razing three buildings on West Main to make way for the first phase of the Scribner Place project.

Although none of the buildings are deemed significant in architectural or historical terms, we’ll miss the one that most of us know as the Double Seven Tire building.

Do retreads still exist?

Of more interest than the fait accompli on West Main is the first public acknowledgment that the Redman Club has sold its building at 904 East Main to Third Century powerhouses Carl Holliday and Steve Goodman, with the club slated to erect a new building at 401 East Main, replacing a historically significant vacant lot.

What are Carl’s and Steve’s plans for the neglected house, and more importantly, the attached meeting hall?

And where will the Democrats gather to celebrate election returns?

Panel approves razing 3 sites in historic area; Scribner Place plans advance, by Ben Zion Hershberg, Louisville Courier-Journal


  1. A local attorney told me the same with respect to the "executive club."

    Any lurkers with more information? Just write me at if you don't want to register according to procedure.

  2. Actually both the Redman Club representatives and Carl and Steve were at the last Historic Preservation meeting. The Redman got an approval for placement on the lot of their new building. Carl and Steve got permission to put up a wooden sign in the yard and take down the 1950's neon Redman's sign. They also asked for permission to paint the outside of the hall that is attached to the back green. Although, it is my understanding that paint colors do not come under the juridicstion of the historic preservation board.

    The website, is marketing Culbertson West as a wedding venue--not exactly compatible with a gentleman's club.

    Somewhere I heard or read that they are redecorating the hall in the back with an outdoor/garden/courtyard theme. Seems like a creative solution for that space. I suppose the Redman will take the large pictures of the Indians and the mirror ball with them to their new digs.

  3. Thanks na girl ... I'd heard much the same, but hadn't seen word of it in the local media.

    Think the city could hire Carl and Steve to move within the DNA Zone?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Bob Real is tanned, rested and ready ...

  6. Em: Twenty-something? Methinks you know more than you let on. Who, pray tell, is the twenty-something among us? And what makes you think they would not know the etymology of "retread?"

  7. Em: Twenty-something? Methinks you know more than you let on. Who, pray tell, is the twenty-something among us? And what makes you think they would not know the etymology of "retread?"

  8. Em: In the best of all possible worlds? Did you know Candide is tonight's classic reading for Rhyme & Reason at DB's?
