Monday, January 24, 2005

Which local mayor sees broadband as key to his city's growth?

Here's a fun quiz for Monday.

Which local mayor recently said the following:

"Broadband Internet access is essential to support quality of life issues like education and training and health care and safety for our citizens. It has also become necessary for economic development and growth."

Find the answer in Greg Gapsis's article today in the Evening News.

Mayor sees broadband vote as key to city's growth


  1. As a Cinergy employee, my gut feeling is,if the local leadership from Southern Indiana collectively pursued Broadband as pilot program for this area through Cinergy & Cinergy Communications, it might come on board a heck of alot faster than it is presently. Roger, once again you have someone close to your family that can help with this.

  2. LP, you are cordially invited to share your reasoning. After all, everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey.

    Speaking personally, I've never imagined that broadband would replace religion in the pantheon of opiates.
