Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Wanted: Volunteers to inventory downtown New Albany, and other topical stories

Were he with us today, might Oscar Wilde amend his famous utterance to read, “Work is the curse of the Blogging class?”

Today and tomorrow, NA Confidential finds it necessary to tend to the dram shop, and respectfully, the reader is directed to examine the entries that follow, as published in the Blog of a fellow New Albanian and frequent contributor to this page.

Go to Volunteer Hoosier and look for:

C'town ascendant
Charlestown’s approval of a public-private venture designed to bring high speed Internet access to the town reminds us that some entities aren’t so keen on the idea. See other recent VH postings discussing Indiana House Bill 1148.

Call for volunteers
To catalog the properties making up downtown New Albany will require the work of volunteers. What are you doing on January 30?

Who's zooming who?
More on the conclusion to last week’s City Council meeting, and the most recent communications breakdown between the Mayor and the City Council over appointments to the Building Commission.

All entries are linked to media sources and are a must-read. Enjoy!

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