Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Council follies on Wednesday, Part I

The first City Council meeting of 2005 has ended, and although I'll have more to say about it later, here's one thought.

It has become increasingly obvious that there is a Grand Canyon-sized disconnect between City Hall's opinion of its own public relations abilities and actual real time performance. The team of Garner, Gibson & Toran seems to fancy itself as masters of political form over substance, and yet when tested (as tonight) invariably emerges unfavorably compared with an otherwise factional council.

The question is, why? And: Is this the best we have to offer?

1 comment:

  1. In reading about last nights meeting in BZH's article via the CJ this morning, I was pleseantly surprised to read that the whole meeting was not shut down by the Garner goon squad before it my have gotten ugly. Did the Mayor seem composed by all of the disrespecting or was it Jethro Bodine at his best and plainly not get what they were saying?
