Thursday, December 02, 2004

Thursday police beat - er, blotter ... file?

Today Jeffersonville Evening News staff writer Greg Gapsis provides an overview of the criminal case against ex-teacher Stephen A. Reich, who faces 34 counts of “child seduction,” i.e., sex acts with female students aged 16 and 17 when the acts allegedly occurred.

Gapsis reports that Indiana State Police tests have conclusively linked Reich’s DNA to evidence in the form of bodily fluids found on carpet samples taken from the former teacher’s classroom. The girls had indicated that sex acts occurred there.

Jeffersonville Chief of Detectives Charles Thompson described the importance of the carpet sample, yielding NA Confidential’s quotation of the day:

"It tested positive for bodily fluids and had his DNA all over it. To call it trace evidence would be wrong. It was the biggest sample of fluids I've seen in all my 27 years of police work."

However, Thompson conceded that no traces of the girls’ DNA has been found in any of the places where sex acts are alleged to have occurred.

Can a “serial onanism” defense be far behind?


  1. And I always thought "coming out" meant something entirely different.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Be careful, Ed ... we may not want to go much beyond the obvious quotable quote value in this story. Galligan might take an earthmover to my building.
