Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Another tacky day for congressman-elect Sodrel

From this morning's Courier-Journal comes the news that motorcoach magnate and 9th district congressman-elect Mike Sodrel was offering a cool D.C. "swear-in" travel package to supporters prior to someone whispering in his ear that it might not look good to use his company's buses for such a trip.

"Congressman-elect Mike Sodrel said yesterday that he might call off a special travel promotion for his Jan. 4 swearing-in ceremony, using his bus companies, after questions were raised about possible ethical conflicts."

And then, this:

"'If there's even a question in anybody's mind, we'll cancel it,' he said after being told of the questions by a reporter. 'I'm certainly not going to start my career in Congress with anything anybody wants to debate.'"

Aside from the intrinsic tackiness of the proposed journey, there's already something to debate about Sodrel's career in Congress, namely the millions of dollars that poured into the "self-made" businessman's coffers from outside Indiana for the express purpose of slandering his opponent, incumbent Baron Hill.

Nothing much "self-made" about that, is there?

Then there's Sodrel's 4-wheel envy, his theocratic fetishes and the soiled American flag he's prone to wearing to bed.

Here's the full text of the Courier article:


  1. And the guy hasn't even taken the oath yet. The days of Lee Hamilton's professionalism in that position are gone. Typical Republican attitude toward his fellow man. More for me, less for you.

  2. And so the looting begins. The district could at least hold its head high with Hamilton and Hill. In a state where the GOP already holds hegemony, sending a Sodrel to represent "us" is laughable.

    Guess those flag-burners and free-speechers had better watch out now.
