Friday, June 05, 2015

Bring a broom and become a Baylor for Mayor volunteer.

Between now and November, the Baylor for Mayor campaign will be relying heavily on volunteers to spread the word.

The two major political parties will have tens of thousands of dollars to spend on their accustomed local campaign methodologies, which will be long on yard signs and short on actual content.

We’ll do our best to raise operational funds of our own, but aren’t we all sadly aware of the destructive effects on the American political process of vast expenditures like those projected by local Democrats and Republicans?

Conversely, although they'll have lots of money, I personally have the great pleasure of knowing all sorts of talented, creative people who are accustomed to finding ways of getting things done, from the grassroots up, by whatever means are available to them.

Accordingly, we’ll be running an unconventional, guerrilla-style political campaign, and I’d like for you to help us with it.

Let this be my first of many callouts to you, some of the smartest people I know, to begin the resistance, unleash the hounds, and start flying the Jolly Roger. Do you have ideas? Let me know what they are, and if you need my corpus to do it, I'll be there.

And, of course, we have more pedestrian tasks that need doing. What else would you expect from New Albany’s “Walkable City” candidate if not pedestrian tasks?

We’re aiming for an organizational meeting next week on Tuesday evening, and there are tasks for tending right now. Let me know if you’re interested:, or 502-468-9710, or message me via Facebook and social media.

Thanks for your support.


(This message is being cross-posted many places today)

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