Saturday, April 28, 2007

Maybe they thought I was talking about antique cameras?

The intention remains to offer a Sunday piece on Robert F. Kennedy, but until then ...

A few days ago at the Tribune’s discussion forum, I compared slumlords to leeches and Kulaks, and advocated using any measure possible to be rid of them.

To date, no one has taken me to task for this admittedly extreme historical reference, which I made knowingly in the hope that someone would call me on it.

Geez, what does a gadfly have to do to stir things up ‘round here?


Christopher D said...

That forum in which you speak is prime example of why we have ended up where we are now. Sad thing is the strongest opposing veiw point is from texas, showing it is not only a problem here, bet every where.
As far as your reference to the Kulaks, it would be impossible to agree with you more, our slum lords are our own personal kulaks, and our city county building is full of their bullies paid under the table to make sure they continue to extort, and predate on the communities.

Iamhoosier said...

Perhaps you are becoming mainstream or, even better, the mainstream is catching up with you.
