Friday, December 03, 2010


hægiˈɒgrəfi, ˌheɪdʒi-/ [hag-ee-og-ruh-fee, hey-jee-]

–noun, plural -phies.

the writing and critical study of the lives of the saints; hagiology.


1805–15; hagio- + -graphy

—Related forms
hag·i·o·graph·ic  /ˌhægiəˈgræfɪk, ˌheɪdʒi-/

[hag-ee-uh-graf-ik, hey-jee-]
hag·i·o·graph·i·cal, adjective


w&la said...

In 1484, Richard III demanded an end to using hops in the brewing of beer, fearing their psycho-active properties.

Perhaps his Royal Highness was right. It's quite a turn to see you call Rep. Ed Clere a Saint!

The New Albanian said...




1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.

2. amusing; humorous.

3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.

The New Albanian said...

Drinking the Kool-Aid refers to the Jonestown Massacre; the phrase suggests that one has mindlessly adopted the dogma of a group or leader without fully understanding the ramifications or implications. The poison at Jonestown, however, was prepared not with Kool-Aid but a similar product, Flavor Aid.
-- Wikipedia

Jeff Gillenwater said...

As has been mentioned by numerous people, at least Moss confirmed what some of us have been saying for quite some time: Clere initially represented himself as a centrist and swung hard right after getting elected.

Based on various experiences of having said that out loud, should we assume that Clere will never answer a question from Moss again? Dale's obviously a part of some sinister, partisan plot.